Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

From desert to desert - My first game

One day, 350 km, half of which on gravel road, starting in the Kalahari dessert, ending in the Namib dessert. And in between? I started of after a quite cold night, heading towards the coast, and quickly saw my first game, quite far from the road. Must have been some antilopes (or similar), have to check the pictures on the big screen. First stop was to see the lake with the largest dam wall in Namibia. Apparently you need a permit for almost everything, so I paid my 60 Namib Dollar. The lake and dam wall were ok, nothing spectacular though. The lodge and restaurant were closed (apparently for renovation), and all looked a little neglected and deserted. But: the scenery around the lake was really beautiful, and I did manage to see more antilopes (much closer this time), and even a couple of zebras! On the way further west, I first decided to fuel up my car. The indicator still showed a full tank, bit I had already driven 500 km, so I didn't really trust it any more. Still not sure, why it's not showing anything, but I did get 55 liter into the tank. Later on I also saw my first ostrichs, and finally also some more monkeys. It was already starting to get late when I reached the Naukluft, behind which I would find the Namib desert. Since I didn't come the typical route directly from Windhoek, I had the mountains almost to myself in this great late afternoon light. Finally reached the Weltevrede Guestfarm, where I wad welcome with a cold beer and dinner.

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