Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

Ocean and dunes

Already back home, I had booked this day, to enjoy the special conditions of sand dunes in the desert right next to the ocean. The plan was to go on a catamaran in the morning for the dolphin and seal cruise, then after about half the normal cruise to be dropped off on the other side if the lagoon, at Pelican Point, where I then would be picked up for a jeep tour to Sandwich Harbour, where the dunes and ocean meet. It turned out that not all would go to plan, but at the end would be a nice day after all. It all started well, I found the right place, got on the boat, where the show started right away with a seal (which actually was a sea lion, as they are all here) hopping on board. It seemed to enjoy itself very much, of course also got a fish, which then also attracted the pelican, which came to visit us. Another bird, black, and if I understood correctly, coming from Antarctica joined us for a while. Then the next highlight, they spotted a Mola-Mola, a very odd looking fish (also called sunfish or moonfish). That was quite exciting, as usually this time of ghetto year the water is too cold for them. (The water was still too cold, just this particular one didn't care...). We came closer to Pelican Point, spotting several seal colonies on the beach, starting to look out for dolphins. We looked and looked, but only saw ocean, and from tome to time a seal. We came back to Pelican Point, had a closer look at the seal colonies, and then went on to the other side if the lagoon for dolphins. Again nothing. By now the time I was told for being dropped of was already over, and we were in the wrong side of the lagoon anyway. Didn't really know what was going on. We watched two seals hunting and eating, but again no dolphins. Then we were all called to the back of the boat for lunch. Again I wad wondering what was going on, as I wasn't supposed to get food on the boat. But they had champagne, oysters from around the corner, and lots of other delicious food. As they were right in front of me, I decided to try oysters one last time (I had only tried them once, and that wad very strange). They didn't only have raw oysters, but also baked ones, which were actually quite good. And even the raw ones, eaten in the namibian style with pepper and Tabasco were quite nice, they felt more like normal mussels than what I had as oysters before. During lunch we had another seal following us for a while, and then came on board for the last 10 minutes of the cruise. And then we were back at the jetty, without any dolphins, but also without my drop off. What had happened? They guy who came to pick me up broke down with his jeep on the way. Therefore they had to organize another car, which took a while, so they left me on the cruise till the end. We therefore started the jeep tour a but late, which meant we had to hurry down to Sandwich Harbour before the tide would come in. The scenery was amazing, but we had to get back before the tide as well, so we couldn't really stay very long. Then on the way back we saw them: a group of dolphins playing in the waves. We tried to follow them for a bit, but then, suddenly, flat tire. Changing a tire in the sand didn't look like much fun, but our guide, Paul, handled it white well. Meanwhile we enjoyed the time between the dunes and the ocean, the dolphins came by again, and took lots of pics. Then, when I already thought the tour is basically over (also because of the time), we started driving into the dunes, up and down, like on a rollercoster, through the great scenery. With me were 4 frech girls, who started screaming every time we went down the dunes, especially when he took the steep side down. Was great fun! Then he set up a restaurant for us in the middle of the dunes (as it was originally planned to eat on this part if the tour), so again I got champagne and very delicious food (i didn't really need much for dinner after this). We really had lots of fun there in the dunes. The French girls started to scream even more and also giggle more on the rest of the drive through the dunes after all the champagne the had. We actually came back more than two hours later than was planned, but had a really good time after all. As it was already that late, the parking was basically empty already. But the guy looking after my car (that's typical here) was still there. That's why they get paid at the end.

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